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Transatlantic Rally

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Our Atlantic crossing will be made with participation to the ARC Plus Rally. Crews should be there a week in advance for training and social activities.

ARC+ takes sailors across the Atlantic from Gran Canaria to the Caribbean via the Cape Verde archipelago. The Cape Verde islands are ideally placed for boats to sail ‘south until the butter melts’ and the route includes a 4 to 6 day stopover at Mindelo, São Vicente providing crews with an opportunity to discover the enchanting local culture, lively nightlife and bustling food markets that make the Cape Verdes a fascinating place to visit. The rally makes its Caribbean landfall at Camper & Nicholsons Port Louis Marina in Grenada.

There are about 3.000 NM to cover, of which 1/3 until the only stop in Mindelo:

What does a transatlantic feel like? Here's an extract from "The Atlantic Crossing Guide" by Jane Russel:

For most European yachts, the trade wind Atlantic voyage generally receives the bulk of the anticipation and planning. But this crossing has not been nicknamed the ‘milk run’ for nothing, and it is often the most trouble-free passage of the entire circuit. Maintaining morale among a slightly bored crew, particularly if winds fall very light, may be more of an issue than anything else. However, many people, years after returning from a one-year Atlantic circuit, remember the trade wind crossing as the high point of the entire cruise. For most, it will be the longest ocean passage they ever make, so it is a bonus that it is also usually one of the most enjoyable.

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